
Animated Flying Twitter Bird Widget For Blogger. The bird flying animated effect by JavaScript Hack and when you scroll the page Up or Down, twitter bird will come in front of your page. The bird found itself as the “follow me” link on the Twitter account. If you move the mouse pointer over the bird, a “follow me” button and a “tweet this” button displayed. Based on Tweet this link I am divided this widget into Two types.
1.Tweet this Button with Unique tweet text in all your Blog pages {i.e, tweet text contains That you have Chosen}
2.Tweet this Button with Multiple tweet text in All Your Posts Pages{i.e, tweet text contains your Post title and Post Url}

How to Install this Widget On Your Blog?

Flying Twitter Bird For all Blog Pages

  1. Customize the Options in Widget Form
  2. Click On Generate Button and Finally Click on Add to Blogger Button to add this widget on your Blog

Flying Twitter Bird For all Blog Post Pages

  1. Change Your Twitter Account User Name.
  2. Copy The Bellow Widget Code.
  3. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML .
  4. Check Expand Widgets Check Box. (i.e, Tick Expand Widgets)
  5. Search For <data:post.body/> tag and Place Widget Code Just After it.
  6. Save your template now.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://widgets.way2blogging.org/blogger-widgets/w2b-tripleflap.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
    var twitterAccount = &quot;Twitter Account User Name.&quot;;
    var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:post.title/> ~ <data:post.Url/> &quot;;
    <span style="font-size:11px;margin:10px;">
 Flying Twitter Bird Widget By <a href="http://www.way2blogging.org">way2blogging.org</a>

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